The Relentless Voice; Raw & Uninhibited

What a blessing to be healthy and alive! DO NOT SLEEP ON THIS REALITY! DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE GOOD HEALTH! As of the thoughts behind these words, I am not 56 years old. I cannot believe how many friends I've survived. I survived Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston and Prince??? Sheesh!

Sometimes I can’t believe it myself. How fleeting life is and how many opportunities I had to bury myself (yes, bury) but for the choices I made in my life.

Knowing this has inspired me to slow down a little bit, just as I see everybody rushing and hasty and desperate to move faster than this rock is spinning in orbit. It’s laughable when you think about it how so many of us are just rushing around and putting our lives at risk and making poor choices but for to get somewhere faster than we were yesterday. And so by this post I’m actually affirming to myself and to my loved ones that it’s important to slow down, to stop and smell the roses. The roses in our midst are the people that support us and love us and befriend us. Not the material items. Not our ability to make money. Not even in our ability to create. Granted those things might attract more people into our lives, but the truth is we are here for a certain amount of time. And we have a choice to enjoy that time, and to enjoy others in our midst or to blow that time for the sake of one upmanship, having more checkers than the next person, or building the bigger building. Yes ego and fascination in esteem can really interrupt what I know to be peace, love and prosperity. You’ve acquired a lot of money, but are you happy. You have a bunch of toys surrounding you, a closet full of clothes you haven’t worn in years, and there are so many vacations you can’t decide where you’d like to call home. But again, are you happy? Well that’s my rant for the day. I pray that you find peace and happiness and that there is calm, patience and wisdom in your every move. God bless, talk soon. Relentless

THOSE OF YOU WHO KNOW ME PERSONALLY know me to be frank and concise, as well as unpredictable and (sometimes) glib & polarizing. Hey, this is the voice I've been given. For the greater good? Well, for now the jury is out on that one. Time will tell. Meanwhile, you can't take CONSISTENT, HARD-WORKING, INSPIRING or TALENTED from me. And thats what you'll see in my random posts. Here are some highlights. Thanks for spending time with me.

I LOVE THIS PROCESS: of me being free to be me, to be human and imperfect and talented and connected and global and paid and grounded and frugal and conscious and vulgar and still spiritual and yet so extra-ordinary. I LOVE the process of weeding out those who don't belong here, connected to me, by my side, in my real-time, influenced & inspired by me, but at the same time learning about those I do love, those who do love and respect me. And (yes) I can even agree to disagree, and understand those who challenge me. I appreciate that I live life on so many dimensions; dimensions that the average person couldn't fathom, and yet with a certain peace that embraces and protects me from harm. I'm anointed and I understand my value. I'm humble and can still indulge in prayer and meditation and the grace that comes my way. Beyond all that, I'm still RELENTLESS

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DIS ONE HARD-WORKIN MAN. Work-ethic=1000. And when a woman realizes she cant control me, my sarcasm, my liberty, my fame, instead of "friendly" she becomes upset/angry/distant. My thing is, WHO NEEDS THAT NEGATIVE ENERGY??? Life is TOO fuckin short, and im too successful to embrace women who don't embrace me. ALL OF ME! What was that song? "I Can Do Bad All By Myself"

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