TOPLESS, by Relentless Aaron


Topless novel relentless aaron urban fiction2



This is the property lately, although when we lived here there was so much more life. No boarded up properties. No “insurance-fires.” Jeff Dixon (now Luda’s manager) lived next door, to your right of the deli. To the left, further down the block was the infamous “Gilmore’s,” where men relieved their desires (in one way or another.) My novel TOPLESS explains it all… Dad sold the house on the North side of town to invest in bullet-proof glass for his new liquor store. The liquor store was attached to the deli, and at AGE TEN I was the free labor; at times operating BOTH the Deli and the Liquor Store when Dad went out for “errands.” (Its no wonder I have 2 younger brothers who were sired “outside” of the family/different mothers). I lived here till about age 17. My next street address was Parris Island, South Carolina. “Ooooorah!”

Topless novel relentless aaron urban fiction

topless by relentless murder mystery thriller urban lit

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