
For years now, I have been giving 2 & 3hr consultations, to share what I know about writing, publishing and even film making. Any of my skillets are to be shared with others. Internet radio productions. Documentaries. Live show production. Internet marketing. There is so much that I know; things that are great resources to help you grow your business and help you spread new about your brand, your product or serve ices with the world.

You’ve always wanted to know the how, where & why of book publishing. Where else can you learn these truths but from a master of the self-publishing industry? Who better to give you the up-to-date and relevant details about the self-publishing side of the game, as well as the traditional publishing side? Not just another talking head; someone who has walked the walk and who’s passion & purpose is writing, publishing and marketing books? We are now agreesively offering consultations and mini-workshops for book publishing, electronic publishing, multimedia production (video/audio/web) and how to make it all come together for your brand, your message, product, service or initiative.

If you’re interested, sign-up here for the forthcoming workshop,

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Sign-up form to be posted soon.

(Workshops begin in September 2014)

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