#DefyLables – The New Agenda

It's pretty awesome to be creative. It's true that everything's been done before (at least in some part) we all take from what we see hear and feel and experience. I recently jumped on the defylabels agenda; really because I also own a mini coop and I understand the allegiance that owners have for the brand. However, to defied labels also seems to make sense with my current agenda which is to complete a film pilot whogonnacheckme. I've been working with some amazing actors and we are pretty much finished with the filming and now it's time for editing and negotiations. It was inevitable that I should bury all my time into filmmaking. Since I have so many novels and because the film process takes so long and is so whimsical, not to mention I have all the wherewithal to make films myself, it only makes sense to follow through and stick with it and score as much as I have scored with my knob. So stay in tune with my grind and I promise you will be entertained and your total girl and along the way I will raise your awareness. God bless you and thank you for your allegiance.

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