How do I make it? How do I succeed? How do I win?

How do I make it? How do I succeed? How do I win?Screen Shot 2013-09-28 at 1.32.02 PM

Family everywhere you turn there are strategies, ways and means, all with a specific blueprint on how to do it. That is, how to make it, how to succeed and how to win. After all, I, he and she are not the first, and we won't be the last to succeed, or to develop a blueprint.

Throughout history there have been so many success stories that tell about the nuts and bolts of "making it." But you have to have your receptors up. That means you have to be physically and mentally stable in order to receive those signals coming at you; those messages in your environment and those opportunities that surround you day after day.

And agree with me that if you do not seize the moment and take advantage of the opportunity, you could lose it since life is short and rarely do you get a second chance at a great opportunity.

That said, one of the strategies that I like to keep in place is what I call "music shifting." I realize it is so easy for us to be intoxicated and brainwashed and trapped inside of a particular genre of music, a particular artist and the similar messaging that takes place throughout, more or less imitating the content. The only way to break the chains that tie us down is to keep the variety. I was talking to someone today about coming up out of that slump (and I've said this in the past), especially to my sister.

I suggested an antidote: "Change your music," I said. "A shift in your music choices will get you out of that slump." Long story short, she changed her musical diet/she shifted and her attitude shifted as well as her motivation and her spirit.

She sends me text messages often, thanking me, even hoping I might be listening to the same song.

Without digging too deep on the Saturday morning I would rather just share this message: to try my suggestion: the "musical shift." And comment back and let me know that works for you #RELENTLESS

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