PUSH – 10th Anniversary Celebration – E-Book (coming to a computer near you!)

Monique Baldwin, Founderrelentless aaron
Flavah Reviewers

#1 NATIONAL BESTSELLER, January 11, 2004

By BookpagesSee all my reviews


ACTUALLY THIS NOVEL TOPS ANY NOVEL THAT I HAVE EVER REVIEWED..IT’S A 10 STAR BOOK!!! This novel is a national bestseller waiting to be discovered. The book is raw, real & uninhibited. The twists & plots in this book will keep you turning the pages. The writing style of this author is both skillful and talented. It’s a novel of gangstas, hustlers, thugs and the women who love them. Reginald “Push” Jackson is the main character who will captivate your attention and draw you into this book. It deals with the rights and wrongs in the urban streetlife. Push and his sister Crystal, are thrown into growing up hard and fast after the murder of both their parents. Push gets sentenced to a prison term, only to be educated to excel in the world of gangsta. He comes home to be a big brother to care for his sister Crystal, and settle some street scores. This book is awesome. I am avid book reader, and I must say, all all authors would need to take a backseat to the work of Relentless Aaron. BRAVO Mr. Aaron !!! GREAT WORK!!

PUSH, February 12, 2004


Deborah Simmons (Charlotte, North Carolina) – See all my reviews


push by relentless aaronI was very pleased with this book. I would recommend it to any and everyone. I was most of all pleased with the 24 hour shipment time, and as well as a personal autograph by the author. That showed a lot about the author’s character. He cares about his fans. Forever your fan.


THE BEST THAT I HAVE READ!!, February 11, 2004

By BookpagesSee all my reviews


This is an engaging novel about the underworld of betrayal, murders, thugs, killers, gangsters, big money, crooked politicians and erotic woman who serve them. It follows the ups and downs of Reginald “Push” Jackson; beginning when he was a teenager of 13 and had to care for his younger sister Crystal because of the violent death of their parents. “Push” struggles through the novel to be true to himself and those he loves. From the powerful foreword to the clever climax, you will not be able to close “PUSH”!


The book is very entertaining. “Push” brilliantly taps our realm of psyche, exposing our deepest vulnerabilities. This book will captivate your time & leave you guessing with every twist that leads you to its unexpected end.


A Winner From the First Page., January 26, 2004

By Courtney Carreras (SoHo, NYC) – See all my reviews



Editor in Chief,
YRB Magazine

An exciting adventure, January 25, 2004

By The RAWSISTAZ Reviewers (RAWSISTAZ.com and BlackBookReviews.net) – See all my reviews

When money, sex, and violence converge, you have PUSH by Relentless Aaron. Reginald “Push” Jackson is a black man living in Harlem, determined to make a better life for himself, his sister, and nephew. Spending the better part of his younger years in prison, he’s come back to the streets of Harlem with a mission, never to return to prison again. In spite of this, he also plans to avenge the death of his parents who were brutally murdered when he was a child. Push will stop at nothing to get what he wants, even if it means taking the risk of getting caught.

When politics come into the picture and millions of dollars are available for the taking, the story starts heating up and it doesn’t stop until the very last page. Push is one brotha you don’t want to mess with. Reminiscent of movies such as Dead Presidents and Sugar Hill, PUSH is an exciting adventure into the street life of Harlem. The book is real, raw, in-your-face, and graphic! Relentless Aaron manages to capture the reader and take them on a full-fledged journey into the reality of Push’s world.

Although it started slow for me, the book turned out suspenseful, engaging, and read as vividly as if I was watching a movie. In spite of this, the numerous typos, grammatical errors, and structure of the book severely took away from the story. There are also scenes in the book I felt were too graphic and too demeaning to women, yet I do understand the need to use them to complement the lifestyles and images portrayed, thus fully developing the characters. Relentless Aaron has a certain style that seeps through the aforementioned problems and I’m sure readers of street fiction and true crime stories will enjoy his books. He’s an author I’ll definitely be watching.

I only hope that readers do not become consumed with the crimes committed and the end result for Push.

Reviewed by Tee C. Royal
of The RAWSISTAZ Reviewers

push by relentless aaronPhenomenal!!! WHAT”S NEXT???!!!, January 20, 2004

This is an engaging novel filled with the underworld of hustlers, gangstas, thugs, crooked politrickions, eroctic woman, big money, dirty money, street scores to settle & unimaginable sex! This book was incredible! The main character is centered around Reginald “Push” Jackson. He is every woman’s hero and dream. Push is hired to kill, but how a can a killer such as him be such a passionate lover??? This book will astonish and capture your mind with it’s unpredictable twists & plots. This novel takes urban fiction to a whole different level. It’s powerful from the foreword to the conclusion. This is a style eof writing that will grip & hold you tight! It’s a page-turner that brilliantly taps in your psyche and exposes your deepest vulnerabilities. I have read this book 2X. What do I read now, Mr.Aaron?? Do you have any more books??? How do I get them? You are WICKED to leave me without something else. I NEED MORE!!! Where are your other novels??? Please don’t have me begging like this – it’s cruel. You give us something good & then you leave us??? Nah!!! You gotta (better) have something else! You’ve got my emotions all worked up after this novel. I must have something else written by you now; I need to know what you have in your mind again. I need you try and do this again. I like it TOO MUCH!!


HOTTEST BOOK OUT!!!, January 20, 2004push by relentless aaron

I was enthralled with this book from cover to cover. The crimes, the big money, the dirty money, thugs, gangstas, killers, raunchy sex, betrayal,the retaliations!!! No stone was left unturned here. What an imagination on this writer! It’s PHENOMENAL! Reginald “Push” Jackson is a man to be reckoned with! His character is every woman’s dream. I hope they make this novel into a movie. I love to read, but this novel has taken me to a whole different level. Do you have any more books like these, Mr. Aaron??? Where are they?? How do I get them? Please don’t leave me begging like this. Please don’t tell me you are finished, I need MORE!!! Please Hurry! It hurts to wait too long.


MASTER OF THE GAME!!!, January 20, 2004

By Phenomenal Lady (NYC,NYC–USA) – See all my reviews


relentless aaronThis is an engaging novel about the underworld of betrayal, murders, thugs, killers, gangsters, big money, crooked politicians and erotic woman who serve them. It follows the ups and downs of Reginald “Push” Jackson; beginning when he was a teenager of 13 and had to care for his younger sister Crystal because of the violent death of their parents. “Push” struggles through the novel to be true to himself and those he loves. From the powerful foreword to the clever climax, you will not be able to close “PUSH”!

The book is astonishing, well written, lustful & sensual. “Push” brilliantly taps our realm of psyche, exposing our deepest vulnerabilities. This hot book will captivate & leave you enraptured with every twist that leads you to its unexpected end.

Actually, I am UPSET with this author!!!! What do I read now??? Who can keep up with this kind of work??? He left me spent, strung out and begging for more! I hate you Relentless!; and I love you and I HATE you AGAIN!!! Why you wanna turn a sista out like this??? it ain’t right!!! This is not the way the game is supposed to be! What up???When’s the next novel??… It no matter, you late!!! hurry up !!! can’t keep up feening like this! This is too much to bear! I NEED MORE BOOKS!!!!


Great Read!!!!!, January 17, 2004

By Myra Nealy (Mt. Vernon, New York) – See all my reviews


I was impressed with the author’s ability to bring me into a world I would’nt normally care to go. The book is written in a “raw” format which made it uncomfortable to read at times due to its graphic nature and language, but at the same time it was intriguing. I did’nt want it to end. I loved the way he was able to translate “street slang” into a readable language. PUSH is a suspensful and intelligently written story that left me wanting more!


push by relentless aaronRelentless is Incredible!!!, January 14, 2004

Okay, let me begin by stating the obvious, I am not a literary critic.

I do not work for the New York Times, Washington Post or LA Times. However, after saying all of this, I must critique PUSH by Mr. Relentless Aaron with what sparse, humble and open-minded skills I possess.

I do not know Relentless Aaron personally, but I do know a gifted writer when I read his or her work (s), and this young man has a very strong voice. He describes his novels as Urban, Raw and even that’s cool with me. But, for those of you who might think this is too street-minded, then you’re in for a shock.

No, Mr. Aaron hasn’t kidnapped me and is forcing me to write this commentary. No, he is not paying me a single red cent, (hmmm, now that’s a thought). What provoked me to voice my neophyte literary opinion is the depth that Relentless’ novel reached within me.

The book may begin in a place that we have all heard tell of or have experienced in one form or another, but, I assure you, when the brotha gets through with you, you will not believe where he leaves you at the end of this fantastic story.

PUSH is a formidable mind game, with complex twists and turns, dips and falls. Its slippery, yet sticky. Its rough, yet smooth. Its hot, yet cold in ways that mere words can never fully describe. He’ll hold your attention and your very soul even in the palms of his steady hands and will only free you when he feels you’ve heard all he has to say for the moment–within this lone book, PUSH.

There are two chapters for you to read free online


Everyone Has A Purpose, January 12, 2004

By Flavah Reviewer (Winston Salem, NC) – See all my reviews


As an avid “street fiction” reader, I pride myself with the knowledge of knowing an enticing novel when I read one. A “street fiction” novel that allows therelentless aaron reader to see authentic perception, apprehend characters that are portrayed without using fairytale “Peter Pan” attributes, and most of all leave the reader with a good story that contains several enlightened edifications, is to be recognized. Seldom do we see a strong plot consistently carried out so there are no unanswered questions, the benefit of not having your time or money wasted.

Push, Relentless Aaron’s debut novel, centers around Reginald “Push” Jackson, a young boy forced to be a man in a destructive society. Push is determined to make a suitable life for himself, his nephew, Reggie, and his sister, Crystal. Embarking on the streets to find a means for survival eventually results in a 15 year prison conviction for Push. While in prison, Push learns a lot about the ins and outs of numerous hustles, such as politics, real estate, law, and the street game, just to name a few. The most important information obtained was the answer to an unsolved double homicide that caused his life to change drastically. Awaiting his release and revenge, Push starts to take “judgment day” into his own hands while still incarcerated, vowing to finish when he is released.

The day eventually comes for Push to step back into society and claim his spot with his newfound education. His plan is to rehabilitate the suffering parts of Harlem, NY with the use of personal assets and funding. The only problem is money talks. Caught between staying on the right path and taking care of family business, Push finds himself reverting to bad habits, little does he know “the streets is watching”.

Roy Washington, known as the local loan shark, has made a name for himself and is trying to accelerate to bigger and better things. Regardless of who he has to use, cross, or step on, Roy is focused on making it to the top. Being in the right place at the right time only opens doors for him, giving Roy the chance of a lifetime, putting an end to his unforgettable past that has slowly crept back into his life.

Relentless Aaron has told a tale focused on a community that encompasses annihilated mannerism, revenge, and political propaganda. Opening the door to the statement of year, “most of the sinister acts that take place in our communities have a higher involvement than meets the eye”.


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