Tonight I’m Standing At The Scratchline


don’t know why but I’m sitting here idling; thinking about Maya Angelo. I met her back in the mid 90s at an entertainment venue known as the Motown Café on 57th St. in New York City. By the way thank you so much Audra W and Esther S for all that you have done for me in the entertainment industry. 

I was such a nincompoop and so unfocused (no leadership at my side) and driven by fame and lights and money, so much so that I missed A lot of the richness of the individuals who I interacted with.Standing-at-the-Scratch-Line-A-Novel-Paperback-L9780375756672

 I was just so trite and wayward and really not thinking about the long-term picture and how I might make an impact on peoples lives or how we might have relationships far into the future. Thank God I never went overboard but I do remember glib moments with Nancy Wilson and Chaka Khan and Phyllis Hyman, Luther Vandross, Christopher Reeves and yes our Maya Angelo. If nothing else, all those memories have toughened my Teflon as it relates to all-things-entertainment… I just don’t find myself impressed by much of anything these days. New talent I must say doesn’t impress me often, not enough dedication in such an over saturated marketplace. But in some ways I feel the whole “been there done that” state of mind. Sometimes I see entertainment as so superficial and I really do hunger for rich, engaging involvements with individuals on grassroots levels. Probably why I don’t favor all the extra hair and lashes and the whole mask that people put on in life. But even then, how does all I just shared make sense when I’m about to sign/manage/develop my first artist? Go figger. 

Back to my point, the crazy thing is that I did not know when I met Maya, that her son was such a prolifically-phenomenal writer who would change my life with his novel “Standing at The Scratch Line.” Sure, the Titans in the game definitely laid the groundwork for me. That would include James Patterson, Elmore Leonard, Sidney Sheldon and definitely John Grisham. But Guy Johnson, Maya Angelo’s son, brought a whole new perspective to my game of writing.  Perhaps there were the textures that I was familiar with, and the troubles and challenges and hardships in the storyline. Perhaps, it was because the underdog came out on top. Or more importantly, it may have been because this character, King Tremain, is a hero I always wanted in my life… the leadership, the guts and the heart that I often leaned towards in my life. So that’s my little two cents today folks; check out “Standing At The Scratch Line” if you’re looking for some inspirational, thought-provoking and awareness-raising content. if you need a boost in the carriage department. Sure, it’s fiction, but trust me we fiction writers don’t write from thin air. I’ve even changed the lives of others by demanding that they read this book. I can’t even wait to read it again myself. It keeps me sharp in my life as well as with my pen. It reminds me that people are basic and it also reminds me that my pen is valuable as are my words. I’m thinking I need to use them more surgically. All these reminders come from that one book. #heed
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