Work, Work, Work, and it doesn’t end there…

So many of you are into “grind mode.” You’re minding your business, living your life, making whatever contribution you make to life. Me??? I gat fans, haters, instigators, and…uhmm… photographers??? lmao #mylife

On this occasion, something made me look up and I was quick enough to catch a photo of HIM! OMG this is CREEPY! Creepier than me even having an iMac, minding my own business in Starbucks! #mylife Gotta love the fans!

On this occasion, something made me look up and I was quick enough to catch a photo of HIM! OMG this is CREEPY! Creepier than me even having an iMac, minding my own business in Starbucks! #mylife Gotta love the fans!

This is Sandy Springs, close to Perimeter Sq Mall. Just heavily focused on my video editing. But clearly, someone was focused on me! lol

This is Sandy Springs, close to Perimeter Sq Mall. Just heavily focused on my video editing. But clearly, someone was focused on me! lol

Its best to sneak your photo from a distance. This way, in theory, nobody knows what you're up to. Predator?

Its best to sneak your photo from a distance. This way, in theory, nobody knows what you’re up to. Predator?

I often wonder what its like and how it feels to be behind someone, sneaking a photo, and then get so passionate about it you post it online... FAN!

I often wonder what its like and how it feels to be behind someone, sneaking a photo, and then get so passionate about it you post it online… FAN!

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