Am I A Slacker?

IMG_0303.JPGHere's my issue: number one I keep it ever so real. Number two I can't stand delay. I toss and turn all night because of shit that should have been done. Shit that has been promised to me. Shit that should be going right and instead goes left. My other quagmire is that I understand that life only gives us 24 hours in a day and that the most resourceful people often take on more than they can handle. So while we look good handling so much, and while everybody says "I don't know how you do it all", "I don't know how you write so many books" and "how did you get all these businesses started", the fact is that shit gets lost in the sauce. The impact and the urgency gets lost. This happens, especially, when you're doing it all yourself. Thank God for technology, because it makes many of us more efficient. But at the same time, it shows me inefficiency. Maybe it's because I am accustomed to doing it all myself. Maybe it's because I routinely "get it done" or "handle it". I was telling someone the other day that I am a walking, talking, TV studio/production company/radio campaign/book publisher, and of course beneath all of that I am a writer. So life's complications have sort of pushed me to be the most resourceful with what I have and what I know. How else would I survive not holding a 9-5 in my entire adult life/now over 30yrs of this? However, in my heart I know it's time to get to basics: writing and filming what I write. I have my audience & endorsements; I have my talent and I have the wherewithal to share. What else could I possibly need? The truth is I need a team. With the team, deals will come in from all over the world. Of course it's got to be a legitimate team, not just pretty skirts and shiny shoes. Not just wigs, makeup and fast talk. My team has got to be on their mark, ready, set to go! My team would be familiar with my voice, as much as they would know how to channel my work. My team would be dependable and disciplined. Just as I've changed many of your lives with my writing, so too could I change the lives of others around the world. It's time to get cracking. #relentlessaaron

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