It’s The Real Deal…

media producer content creator, atlanta filmmaker, novelist

Here’s the truth... in life you can simply exist as an attendee or you can be a player on the field. If you’re going to be an attendee, then perhaps you are doing whatever is necessary to get by in order to maintenance you’re presence. However, if you are here to be a player on the field, to make any certain headway in your area of expertise, you are required to express who you are, what you do and perhaps the service you provide.

You are required to engage with as many people as possible who are qualified or interested in taking advantage of your resources.  

Your “calling” means perhaps teaching others, helping others and engaging in authentic ways so that there is relevant and residual benefits behind what it is you do, and who it is that you are. Afterall, the world is curious and wants to know: what are you here for?

Some of us are exercising the easy way out, looking for the hacks in life and earning their space in the slushpile of products, services and initiatives. Meanwhile there are others of us who have there unique presence in our lives. They may be doctors and nurses, or pilots or train conductors; and in those cases, especially, there is no choice but to work with extreme precision. But then you may be an artist, beautician, fashion designer, builder, or you could be endowed with some sort physical power or incredible “talk-game.”

Whatever the case, the requirement (for everyone) should include being the best at what you do, or at least doing the best you can at it. Your level of “best“ is subjective to how big your challenger is.

If you live in a small town and you are the only barber or shoemaker in that small town, then you are the big fish in a small pond. However if what you do is so casual and so ordinary and so usually that many people are doing the same thing and you are all squeezed into some tiny island or some metropolis, then you clearly have competition and you must clearly work so much harder to earn what we know as a top spot in your industry.

So if you’re comfortable with what you do and so talented that you feel you have no competition, then you have been blessed. But for so many more of us, whether you are a novelist (such as I am) a chef, or a livery cab driver, there stands to bear that next individual who does the same work as you. The competition. Whether or not you land that next customer, versus your competition landing that customer, is going to depend upon whether or not you are better or more effective or have a greater energy.

I feel in order for you to succeed at what you do, you have got to be the real deal. You have got to do more than expected. You must have made inroads in your industry where by everybody is talking about you. There's a process to it all. "The work" must be done in effort to win substantially; in effort to sustain what gains you've earned.

These are the voyages of the Superpreneur... we'll speak again. Godspeed.

Good luck. And may The Force be with you!

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