Book Marketing Advice From "The Father" of Urban Fiction



Question: If someone gave you $2000.00 that you could only use to market your book,
what avenues of marketing would you use?


Relentless Answers: WOW. Why ain’t nobody think to invite ME into this forum!!!!! Wassup y’all. This yours truly, and I SO appreciate how much people have taken time to answer questions to help this man spend his $2,000. May I add a few cents here? First of all, any marketing that you do must bring back the equal value (or more) of your time and effort, since we all have these Godforsaken priorities to look after. See, (and some of you know this already) if your bills add up to $4000 a month, your focus should be to sell over 400 books per month. That is, if your 1st job is to be an author. Now, if your bills are not that heavy, and maybe writing and marketing is your side joint, then your money is probably best spent on Bookmarks. Now, this is how I built my dynasty, but it’s is merely my opinion, family. Since everything ain’t for everybody. But, when it comes to the most cost effective ways to market, so long as you have access to mass transit, and that you live where millions of people are your potential buyers, then bookmarks is the answer. You can get 20,000 or so for close to $700 at Barone Press in New York. Tell Vinny I sentcha! Meanwhile, geography is a very important matter when it relates to marketing, because if you live in Oklahoma, and your market is not where you live, then you’d need to measure what it would cost to get to your market, as well as the cost vs. the exposure factor. Here’s one for you family: Most every major press I’ve done was not paid for but for my own sweat equity. If you’re trying to be an author with a book that’s one thing; however, if you’re trying to be an author with best selling books, that’s another thing altogether. New York Times (Front Page/Arts&Leisure) reporter passed me on the street. Daily News (half page/pg 10) reporter passed me on the street. KISS FM radio host passed me on the street. And all of these have led to other interviews, all of them having perpetuated a “snowball effect” that to this day keeps growing. I don’t want to give too much of a speech here, family. I do want to say that you can’t leap before you crawl. Every step of my journey, or your journey is going to begin with those tiny steps. Those tiny steps help you grow and understand what you’re doing. Me or Zane or Terry are only going to be able to share with you the things we know. And some of us know more than you think. But nobody but nobody can tell you what is going on in your own town. You may have a union president that likes you and is willing to invite you in to speak with everyone. I’ve befriended traffic cops over the years which helps me in two ways; it got me into their offices where they strap-up with their ticket scanners and radios. It also gives me that added protection when I’m parked illegally. And still, a traffic cop wouldn’t know my truck unless my truck was wrapped. And then again, it wouldn’t make sense to wrap my truck if people hadn’t already seen the TV interviews, the newspapers, etc. And, of course, I told you where that began, didn’t I? Soooo… it all starts (for me) in the streets. The back pack. The exclusive attention and discussions with people, the very people who matter. The majority of people who matter are on the ground floor, not in the mansions and skyscrapers which radio & TV & Internet advertising would be paying for! Don’t pay for ads unless you’ve got an audience which says you have an incredible book!

The more I write, the more I want great imaging to go with my writing. If you'd like images for your writing, ontact me for assistance

Peace Family


Marketing strategies for authors: cost-effective ways to promote your book. Tips on building a successful book marketing plan, including the importance of bookmarks and geographic targeting. Learn how to leverage mass transit and personal connections to build a "snowball effect" for your book promotion. Understand the difference between being an author with one book and an author with best-selling books. Discover the power of starting small and taking those "tiny steps" to grow your author platform. Get advice from successful authors on how to build a following and reach your target market.



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