Well, let me keep it ALL THE WAY REAL with you. You think that your book is SO good that the $399. you’re considering spending on some Internet marketing is gonna pay for itself (and more? And you are DEAD WRONG. You think the $1500 you’re about to spend on a “booth” at the regional “arts convention” is gonna make all the difference and the world, and that next week you’ll have an extra $10,000 in your hands thanks to the ad.


I have 10 years of writing books under my belt. I have 5 years of marketing books as experience. And I’ve heard or I’ve been approached by every book scam there is. The scam they are about to launch tomorrow, for the purpose of profiting off of aspiring authors; I ALREADY KNOW ABOUT IT.

My point is this; I have the writing experience (and awards) to direct and guide you through the writing process. I also have the knowledge and experience to direct and guide you through the marketing/sales process. If you step out there and try any of this (small press or mass market), and you don’t consult Relentless Aaron, then shame on you. But we’re not mad atcha. We just wanna extend our invite and let you know to come and read the BLOGS on this site and on the main website: Stay connected to Relentless at and stay up on the youtube vids that Relentless Aaron preduces at

Ask anyone who knows the truth and they will tell you that Relentless is the Kanye West of Urban Lit. Read the press and you will see that Relentless Aaron is the “leader” and at the forefront of the street lit movement. And your book DOES NOT have to be “street lit” for you to qualify for Relentless consultation. Relentless is a RESOURCE. One of the PRIME resources in the publishing industry.

Stay Connected. Stay tuned.

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