Crazy, Random World These Days…

Hard to tell if we've experienced the most, or if there's more to come.

From the natural disasters, to the man-made calamities, to the phantom virus that has slipped into our lives, I believe there's a perfect science to this existence. That reality may be difficult to grab hold of, but think of the extreme blessings we've been given, from the air and water we take for granted, toe the organs we maintain and manage... the eyes that can see as far as the moon... the sense of assessment that each person must master in order to cross the street or what to digest into our mouths. Yes, there are Gods wonders that we cannot control, and others that we can. And I take a wise guess these days to say that (I believe) we all needed this huge "chin-check" because we've been abusing the gifts. We've been disregarding the amount of mercy we enjoy, from our bodies being just 3 degrees hot or cold from deaths door, to this ever revolving rock we live on... one that can at any moment change course and roast like an over-cooked marshmallow.
Yes we take it all for granted, as if when we wake up this is all assured to still be here, still in working order, more abundance for us to over-indulge in. Thats why I always close my eyes, grateful for the blessings in my life, shouting in my mind "LIFE'S BEEN GOOD TO ME SO FAR!"
Carry on Earthlings. Be safe and know that you are blessed.

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