Curt Boogie – A Dedication To My Friend, Curtis Southerland


It was just a year ago that one of my best friends passed on. This is the first brother in my life who I cared so much about and who left me way too soon. Unfortunately, there is no family member or relative who I have felt a closer affinity to than my sister Julie and my good friend Curtis Southerland. From my perspective, I know that I am here to hold down everyone who has supported me through the years, everyone who has been consistent in the Gilmore grind, the 1000 Friends grind, the Superstar USA grind, and now this, my Relentless grind. Curtis Southerland, who I affectionately named “Curt BOOGIE” was one of the few who have been there by my side the longest. If my life was cordoned off into eras, there would be the “club era,” the “magazine era,” the “TV show era,” and the “book era.” I’m now here in the “Starbucks era,” started back in the Bronx, My. Vernon and Harlem; and Curtis had been there through all of my “eras.”Even though he was living up north and that I had moved down south we stayed in close contact. He let me know what he was doing and was critical about everything that I was doing and vice versa.He always encouraged me to stay on my writing We were brothers, always there for each other. And as I mentioned, no matter if I hit the lottery or whether there was a movie premiere or some big boom of success to come into my life, Curtis Southerland would be there to experience the joy. However, I guess I take it for granted that my good friends will be there when it all comes to a head. And that’s just not the case. My friend was taken way too soon. He was younger than me, very brilliant and a sort of young counsel. His funeral was the first funeral I attended as an adult. I never realized how short and how precious life was until I lost my friend. I struggle for air even now thinking about it, and I’m glad that you all cannot see me because I am stuttering, sniveling fool typing this. But to you who care I say, all those people that I touch through the years and how we “virtually” stay connected does not begin to reflect how grateful I am to you and how much this life means to me and how very important it is for me to bring the baton over the finish line in the most significant ways. I’m carrying the torch for you all. I am carrying the torch for my friends and loved ones. I am carrying the torch Curtis Southerland. they say you never know when it’s your time. But it’s way different to hear it and say it as opposed to experiencing it. Thank you my friend. ‪#‎relentless‬

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