If You Didn’t Know…Now You Know – Some History on Video

My past s riddled with authentic, diverse, unparalleled relationships that have carried me from the early 80s up until today. It is clear to me that your talentsScreenshot 2015-01-17 13.41.22 and your positioning is only as good as your relationships. Thank you to the folks at ASCAP, many who have moved on. Thank you to all the folk in the music industry; all those old music labels that I visited day after day, lobbying for dollars/working my magic. Thank you to all the clubs and club owners and ESPECIALLY the promoters like #ScottyFlash from #Levitticus and #JohnBowen from #TheCottonClub Mrs Wells of #WellsRestaurant #PatPete of PJs in harlem #HenryPerkins from #PERKS in Harlem, #VanWoods of #Sylvias and most notably an anchor in my life #StevenJuliano the owner of numerous clubs through the years, including #Bentleys, The #Copacabana, The #RedParrot and the world famous #SilverShadow
I cannot go without mentioning my big brother #TinyWood who took me in at 18 as his apprentice and showed me “the ropes” in club and concert promotion. There are a million club, concert and event promoters, but Hip Hop began right there in my backyard. And I was determined to be involved and included in all things large. No, there was no sense of purpose or a blueprint, but I made it happen the best way I knew how. Here are a few clips from my past… interesting how they progress to my most recent shows. Check out PROGRESS!

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