Details on My Community Work Over The Past Years…

IN JANUARY of 2011, I BEGAN A LOCAL FUNDRAISER to help with local, community-related initiatives. To date, I've helped raise money for a local free health clinic called Helping Hands, a battered women's shelter known as Phoenix Pass, a teen mom organization known as Comizia Care, the Rockdale Emergency Relief Fund, and as of late, we installed a 2 month-long initiative to help the Glass Family, who suffered in a tragic fire where 4 of 5 children perished/this area's greatest tragedy. We don't merely raise money for charity, but also raise awareness for initiatives, such as our organ-donor drive that brought attention to Baby Mason, also a local Conyers, Georgia resident who needed a liver since birth. Here's a clip to tell you more about Mason.

Mason has since received his new liver and must deal with the life-long challenge to survive with the same. 
No. I don't work FOR Starbucks, and the green giant could probably care less about me and my tiny energy. But the community here is a giant one (in terms of good wills, good hearts and incredibly giving). I've grown to love the Conyers, Rockdale County, Georgia community and where others might cry or complain, you all might know me more as a man of action; a "doer." 
I do what I can to help out.
During the past year or so I have since recognized my calling, one that merges all of my past experiences with producing/promoting stage shows, as well as my television production/since all the shows here at Starbucks are recorded live. Ultimately, I'd like to have a team of young folk who can manage what I've developed so that I may spend more time writing books or servicing a list of clients. But thus far, I am the chief, cook & bottle-washer of this endeavor. Starbucks comes out of pocket for virtually nothing; (probably why its worked so well for more than a year.)

Here's a deeper look at what I've accomplished thus far:

And here's the latest e-zine, detailing our August 3rd event:

We've also set up a community Facebook Page to help expose the issues and needs of the Rockdale County community (and beyond) so that giving and being aware of the needs of others is easier to find. One may reach out DIRECTLY to this initiatives and help since we do not collect any money for these organizations. CHARITY ATLANTA


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