Easy Like A Relentless Sunday Morning…

My Sunday morning is interesting: it starts with waking up to make a $40 fish fry order. Except, before I jump up from bed to wash my hands, to pour pre-packaged fish and fries into an air fryer and then waiting 20 minutes for the grand result, I spend a few moments looking at a some inspirational messages on IG. And then, as usual, on the same timeline will be all the booty-shakin; you know, those nuisance escorts sellin ass on IG. Hey, I’m not mad at em tho... I still enjoy a little stripper action inside of my SoMe-time. (Social Media Time).

Eventually I’m up from my rest, and while Seal is singin“we’re never gonna survive, uuuuuuun-less, we get a little crazy

on the living room TV, I’m hitting a few buttons on the air fryer and then turning on the kettle. Nothing like some hot tea to cure this mucus I. My throat; The results of my love for milk, ice cream, and chocolate chip cookies the night before. {shrugs} hey, some people prefer weed and/or football. For the moment I’m a milk & cookies kinda guy.

When the delivery guy soon arrives and he’s quite transparent, first explaining “how impressive” my environment is. I hear him say “the mind is a terrible thing to waste”. I stop what I’m doing for a moment and come over to let him know I can’t hear him as I am in the kitchen dishing up the food. He says “no worries I was just taking in your experience here. You really doin it bro.” 

Now the fish and fries are done and I’m packaging everything up with tartar sauce and ketchup and the pecan pie’s and the spinach. Driver says “oh my God I gotta read this”.

And when I asked him what he was referring to, he pointed to his cell phone where my latest blog talks about my erotic experiences and how STARBUCKS was somewhat responsible for them. I’m chuckling when I finally hand him the package. And just before he leaves he says with a handshake “my name is Allonzo but everybody knows me as Miami and you have inspired me today.”

I thank him, ask him to drive carefully out there in them streets, and explained “don’t worry I’ll be out there in a few

And ain’t that the damn truth as I take off the kitchen apron, sip on this tea, soak in some of this Simply Red... and as he’s “holding back the tears” I’m contemplating my morning and how I’m about to head out the door to drop off and pick up Bird scooters for that extra hunnit dollas today. After all, I wasn’t expecting those extra bills such as the dentist... such as the shopping I did yesterday... and maybe one other bill I’ve forgotten. 

The hustle continues


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