Yours For The Asking

Accomplished: My Remarkable Journey Through Adversity

At 59, I reflect on a lifetime of relentless determination. My path to success is unconventional, marked by unique challenges that I've overcome. I'll be sharing even more about my journey in a forthcoming book. But, notably, I must say I never sent a single query letter to publishing companies for consideration in entering mainstream publishing. Instead, I blazed my own trail in the literary world with determination & resilience, to the point that major media straightened me out for life.

During the challenging phases— divorced from wife & kids, upside-down finances that were merely sugarcoated with publishing checks—I found myself homeless for over 2 years, living in my car, then a small cargo van, and finally that long stint from 2009 - 2017 in the very same model RV that made Breaking Bad one of the TV's most popular shows. Yes, that was me with the alternator & transmission issues, not to mention needing somewhere to park. That off-grid life didn't come without its thrills, but it was my entry into Atlanta, right after a difficult breakup with my ex-wife. It was a time of unimaginable struggle, but it taught me the true meaning of perseverance.

 The book industry was also undergoing a massive transformation, with thousands of bookstores around the world shutting down and the rise of e-books. Despite having a three-picture deal with Bill Duke, the big article in the Hollywood Reporter, Time magazine, the New York Daily News, and of course the New York Times, the writer's strike interrupted the plans, forcing me to pivot and adapt to new circumstances.

Throughout my journey, however, there were blessings, benefactors, and philanthropists, as well as the challenges of dealing with people. Ultimately, in 2017, owning a bed-and-breakfast brand introduced me to all kinds of individuals, helping me distinguish between those who supported my vision and those who didn't. It was a valuable lesson in resilience and determination. The supporters were judges, actors, in politicians, while the Darkside brought in vagabonds, damsels in distress, and of course those who were “Fresh Out” of jail or the hospital.

Almost three years ago, I found a remarkable partner who shared my dreams and saw beyond the smoke and mirrors of life to the truth of who I am. We've been quite transparent to the world about who we are and how we love, and we've since become inseparable in our mission and vision. I can't wait to share our inspiring story with you.

Equally significant has been the role of business credit in my journey. Access to unlimited funding through business credit has been a dream come true, providing me with the ultimate freedom to pursue my creative endeavors and entrepreneurial ventures backed by unlimited capital.

 Today, I stand stronger than ever, having overcome these challenges and emerged victorious. My story is a testament to the power of relentless pursuit, unwavering passion, and the profound impact of a supportive partner, the business credit, and even the fans who have “hung out,” watching from the sidelines to see just where this journey takes me.

Thank you for being a part of my journey.

#RelentlessJourney #Resilience #Entrepreneurship #NeverGiveUp #Adversity #LegacyBuilding #BusinessCredit



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