It’s Just A Lil’ White Lie by Relentless Aaron

This morning Marv asked me about a deal that I talked to him about some four months ago. Honestly, if he did not mention it I would not have given it a second thought. If you know my state of mind, you know that I am anti-smoke & mirrors. Sure, I can be quite optimistic. But as a reminder to myself, I see everything as a lie until it comes to pass. Situations. Events. Promises. Checks. And, of course people.


So, what is a lie? But before you ask what a lie is, you might ask what a ruse is. Even before you consider a ruse, you might want to check your honest optimism.

Sure, we human beings have high hopes by nature. We all want the good life and a great financial situation. But how much of that is real and how much of that is manufactured and conjured in our minds? The truth in any situation is the common denominator of “what is” or what is “more than likely” as opposed to what “is not.” Whats reasonable and whats practical can also be a part of the equation, however that, without some other elements might also be sweet optimism as opposed to “the truth.” A “possibility” of something happening… the possibility of some final outcome or destination is usually laking any real substance, and is more like a fantasy, if there is no “follow-thru” or “action” that enforces the dream or goal or intention. A lot of times, possibility could be mere pie in the sky.

But, check it… there are some folks that are skilled at embracing the process to progress, and there are those who abuse the process to get over.

liesLadies, he’s lying to you if he’s loving you for your resources. Fellas, she’s lying if she’s laying with you but for the conveniences and resources you are affording her. In the end, nobody is happy. Not only relationships, but there is a long list of ideologies, personalities and practices that support both. The key is for you…YOU, my friend, to have ABSOLUTE CLARITY so that YOU are not the loser in the equation. Even a TV commercial can represent a lie. Even a government official can represent a lie. #MayorBarry #PresidentClinton

I call this phantom promise the “smoke & mirrors” of life.

And you need to know the math oh-so personally so that you never EVER get hurt, take a loss, and so that you might protect your friends and family. So that you might protect your real dreams and aspirations; the ones you’ve backed up and believed in with all your effort and ingenuity. Being familiar and aware and installing preventive measures are your greatest life insurance.


Really real today. #Church #Relentless

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