People vs People


 And so AGAIN we get paranoid and “act out” and escalate things, essentially creating even more unnecessary drama by our conversations, our gestures, our actions and interactions with others. 
Here’s a situation where a white woman and a black woman go toe to toe, the white woman feels offended or assaulted or whatever and her paranoia sets in to the point that she pushes the panic button. When the police show up she tells them that she wasn’t hurt or harmed and her car wasn’t hurt or harm; no crime committed. Except there was the part that she said “I was scared.” “I told her I was calling the police”
And then of course the “great negotiators” come with their badges and guns and they don’t control the situation as they should be so skilled to do. So essentially, this is just another incident where people cannot get along and where the badges and the guns and the brawn and the egos get in the way.
Okay those were the fax. Now he is my commentary: BOTH WOMEN created this fuckery. 

I have yet to be able to identify the name of who everyone’s calling “the White woman” but (if you don’t mind) I’ll just call her Sweet Polly Purebred. 

Since Sweet Polly Purebread was an employee at the school then there are deeper issues here that led to this incident. If you’re an employee at the same school that educates/cares for a child, then I am guessing that the staff and the parents need to know one another for many reasons. For reasons of comfort and security, and even for reasons of relations outside, such as possible awkward interactions in the parking lot?
In the video we watch the white woman tearing-up and admitting more than once that she was afraid. Why was she afraid? That is the biggest question here. Why didn’t she know who this parent was? Is this some sort of grudge that she has been holding onto for sometime? Bigger than that, did she also serve up some reason for this to escalate to greater measures? I hate that these occurrences keep showing up on video and that no one looks at the seed of consciousness that started it all in the first place. There are actions and reactions in every situation. Who’s doing the acting and who’s doing the reacting and how intense can it get? What’s the worst that could happen? And why do we cry foul after it’s all said and done, when we could have avoided that nonsense from the door if not by our own actions, gestures, or conversation? No matter who you side with in this altercation, there’s no denying that this could have been avoided. If this white woman is now walking down the hall at her job with her nose up, feeling that she’s Miss Purity, Who can say and do as she feels, then Karma will catch up with her. If Charlena Michelle Cooks is sitting somewhere telling herself “why couldn’t I just tell them my name and avoid all of this?” If she’s savvy enough to think that way, then that’s her lane of guilt. In fact I’m going to take it a step further, and bring attention to the way Ms. Cook’s reacted when the police initially approached her vs how she took it to the next level. It’s my assessment that she took it to the next level with the white woman as well. 

Pregnant or not, before our very eyes we’ve been shown who Charlena really is. You know, calm and cordial when necessary, but a straight gangsta if things don’t go her way. 

Not hard to change our practices in mid-flight, when we’re way up in our adult years. So there are some other challenges I see. And yet, that is not against the law. How you communicate with others might paint you as “the asshole” but it’s not worthy of “a brutal police takedown.” 

And that’s the real power here, words BECOME actions.  

Either way, we are sometimes grown-up children who are still acting like children.
Cooks began to “raise the roof.” 
Here’s the fuckery: Cooks name was easy to obtain since her daughter attended the school. So with a little creative psychology, the cop should have, would have and could have cleverly said “alright if you don’t want to give me your name I’ll get it another way.” And while officers could’ve kept an eye on the situation her name could’ve been acquired and officers could have just squashed this by bringing the two women together and having them apologize and go on their merry way.

So this could have turned out much different if officers would have been more sensitive to the surroundings. This confusion and disagreement between two women who are part of the same community… belonging to the same school (One and employee and another client) was the REAL issue. And because one woman felt threatened and paranoid and called police to “back her up” and “avenge her” she escalated things unnecessarily. Sure, Cooks could’ve been wrong in her driving, etc. #roadrage But how many folks scream on others and “play cop” instead of “let it go?” How many folks are so cowardly that they push the “panic button” at the slightest sign of threat, when someone else raises their voice at them. 
And my big LOL moment was when Cooks tried to put the police “on hold” so she can be on her cell phone with who-the-fuc-ever, as if that was the bigger priority in the equation. Why do people think their cell phone is relevant when their lives are at stake? I’m not talking about catching police misdeeds on video, I’m talking about how we somehow feel there is help on that damned device that overrides the authority right there in our face. #disrespectful
But I’m also going to say that we must take personal responsibility for our actions BEFORE it turns into the movie THIS has become.
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