Quarantine? Never Bored!

Dancing, DeeJaying, Disgusting

COVID-19 (Update) The world has been closed for business, and too many of us are still caught up in "Rhythm Nation," doing what we see others doing.  Dancing. Deejaying. And all-things-Disgusting. Copying what we think works; what we think is success. Meanwhile, we're squandering precious time that could be used mastering our craft, studying, or deep-diving on relationships. Are you getting your body in shape? Are you reading those books you've always said you'd read? Watching the informative Youtube videos you saved till later? How about cleaning out the basement, the closet, the boxes of paperwork? So many choices, and yet I'd bet you haven't chose ONE. How can you give away all this precious time that you suddenly have on your hands? The world is on "PAUSE" allowing you to take advantage of a certain "float" in time, and instead you're twerking on some livestream. You're trying to impress people with music we all already love. Meanwhile, this "lockdown" that is historic is just passing you by. You haven't wrote any books, created any new product, and not even a blueprint on how you will bounce back. I want to remind you, if someone hasn't already, that WE MUST DO BETTER. As of the creation of this post, you still have 2 weeks or more to get moving. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?

"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."

Walt Disney

We Can Help

Some help that a fellow businessman shared. Thanks James Bronner &  Family. 

If you've been financially impacted by the coronavirus, you may be able to pause payments on these 8 bills


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Useful Info

Lynnette khalfani-Cox is a longtime friend and really the people's advocate when it comes to credit, finances and resources relating to the same. Check out her commentaries on these challenging times.



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