“10 Books That Changed My Life Forever” FREE EBOOK

IN MY NEW E-BOOK: I talk about books such as The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, by STEVEN COVEY. And then I recall I wrote this letter when Mr. Covey passed on. Its fitting to produce it for you today…

Dear Mr Steven Covey, You taught me to be a leader!
I Mastered Habit 1: I have been Proactive! I’ve done more than merely take initiative. I’ve done more than recognize that my decisions would guide & direct me. I took ACTION! My action began with the first page. And I kept at it until I had thousands upon thousands of pages. My decision to remain disciplined in writing made me a better writer than most of my colleagues. I cannot be out-penned but for my decisions early on to stick to it and become the best.

I Wore Habit 2: (Begin with the End in Mind)
I knew I was going to be a best-selling author from day one. I took time to search my soul and I realized I had ALWAYS been writing. But bigger than that, i knew one thing (if i knew nothing else): i was, and always have been a person who imagines and then creates. I had that vision and that old adage ” what the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” That state of mind always encouraged my dreaming. And dreaming always implanted me with many possibilities. It was writing that allowed me to turn MOST of my dreams (and past experiences) into reality. From the moment I realized this, I was clear and convinced about my life’s goals and values. It also keeps me clear about the people I allow into my life, and who I communicate with on a consistent basis.

To put it bluntly, Habit 3 has changed my life: Only when I Put First Things First am I the most balanced human being. Whether its in the electronic devices/my phone, on my computer or Ipad, or with a pen and lined paper, I alw7 habits book steven coveyays keep a to-do list. I always prioritize. And Steven Covey’s quadrant strategies have helped me to put my life in proper perspective at every given moment. Others might be wanton and desperate to engage or to progress, but with priorities so clear, I am not influenced by another’s sense of urgency. You did not walk the LONG path I walked, yet you want overnight results FROM ME? #nothavinit

In every way, in everything I do, I put Habit 4 to work: I’m always thinking “Win-Win.” I
m always talking about mutually beneficial relationships and strategic alliances that will serve you and I.

Everyone must eat. Everyone must progress. NO MAN/WOMAN LEFT BEHIND!

Habit 5 of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: has made me a good listener. Only when you listen can you learn. And I never forget what the OG once taught me about the “Wise Old Owl who sat on an oak…” If I can understand you, I can understand what your needs are/what you’re lacking. And that intel will allow me to serve you better.

WHAT WOULD MY LIFE BE without Habit 6: To Synergize meant nothing less but network and correspond with others who were/are like myself. Bonding with people who believe in me and my quest has reaped me heavy rewards, whether it was at the very beginning of my career, or today. We are not in this alone, and most every successful idea or model needs a strong team behind them.

Finally, Habit 7 is something I’ve also learned from Anthony Robbins in his CANI (Constant And Neverending Improvement: Steven calls it “Sharpen the Saw,” for you just CANNOT allow yourself to lose traction. You must stay on top of your current events, your technology, and your industry. If you have a talent, you’ll need to stay innovative, or else you’ll become less relevant, or worse, irrelevant. Know that everyone wants to ear achievements, and that the highest awards go to the highest achievers.
So, thank you Steven Covey, for changing my life, my Sister’s life, and the lives of those who are my friends, for I will teach your methods till my dying day. And while technology has set society in a Steven King way of living/how we gain knowledge of death at lightening speed/faster than any time in history, I’d like to say that thanks to people/leaders like you, I will live life to its fullest, and not regret a day that goes by, all because I’ve been well-educated by a cast of top-shelf individuals who gave me jewels so that I might live a phenomenal life.
#relentless #progress2012

10 Books That Changed My Life Forever

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