My Story: Building, Re-Establishing Credit & My 50k HeadStart

I feel like we all go through life floating, grabbing onto resources, and when we get a grip, if we get lucky...

if we have guidance and leadership then we can claim stability.

If you are fortunate as I am, and if the world at large was able to grab you by the coat tail... if some system embraced or hooked you or if the hand of God reached into your life to press pause, to force you into a Matrix, enabling you to soul-search and to double-down on what is important, to recognize what your life‘s purpose is, and perhaps it all enlightens you to develop the blueprint in achieving that purpose, even then you still may not have access to the information that will secure you, that will drive in fuel you, or that will sustain you through your ventures, your risk-taking and ultimately your success. Speaking for myself, there has never been a school class, teacher, leader or even a book that has grabbed me and taught me about credit. Not until the last couple of years have I learned all that it takes to be free, to be happy, and to feel fulfilled.

Sure, you can live off the earth on some mountain, fishing and hunting and being a free spirit. Yes! That is surely possible and the practice in and of itself is fulfilling, just to know that as a human being you have survival skills and you need nothing from nobody in order to live a full life. Plenty of people live this way; low-tech, off social media... some bartender job that keeps them paid and happy and out of harms way. But in our diplomatic, civil world of checks and balances, if you plan to progress, advance, succeed, contribute and claim a piece of this dynamic, you will need to have a strong financial portfolio. If you want your child to live in a peaceful habitat around other peaceful kids, able to study under peaceful circumstances, then you will need to have AAA credit. If you need an operation, a new job, a new car, or even to open a bank account, it would serve you to at least have a median credit score without a whole heap of "dings."  And as for increase, you want real estate holdings, multiple revenue streams that are founded with products and services that feed people information, inspiration, entertainment and the schematics on how to live better in the world we know today. And that’s just what it is: if you’re a basketball player you hopefully have talents and skills that entertain an audience. If you’re an actor or a singer then you hopefully have a skill set that inspires, entertains and makes people dance or at least keeps their heart beating with a smile on their face. If you are a teacher or a lecturer then you hopefully inspire others and motivate others to move forward in purpose and fuel their dreams.

But even if you’re doing all of that, you need a roof over your head, a vehicle or the means by which to get to and fro, and finally if you care, you want the extras that help with your sound health, as well as the comforts that put clothes on your back and food in your stomach.

This master plan was one that I had to learn on my own by trial & error, even with all of the leadership in my circle. Whether you are a Reverend, a teacher, a businessman or some community leader in my life, there has never been the accumulative of all resources (all at once) at my doorstep, in my inbox or in person, embracing me, telling me “brother sit down I need to tell you the most important things in life.” Oh yes, my mentors have indeed spilled the tea. They have indeed invested and have helped in some way shape or form. But I am absolutely clear that no one effort or initiative has grabbed me up to say “this is how it’s done.”

I am evermore clear at this point in my life that this is why am here. I’m here to be the most resourceful man you’ve ever known. I have touched many of you for a moment or for a long time, and although it has not been clear and defined as to why I am in your life, it should be that way now. Even if you hafta deal with me at a distance, I'm good with it. The info is yours to use in the quest to better your life. Don't get all goofy, with the whole "I'm not talkin to him because of this this and that. Yadda, yadda, yabba-dabba do" You shouldn't tie your feelings up and cause such blockage! lol. I'm okay and you're okay, and we all want to experience joy and progress and success in our lives. Whatever is holding you back, get over it. You should know that this is why I am here. You should know that I am all about your healthy mind and body. I am all about you building, maintaining, sustaining, and ensuring success. I am all about your sound finances, residual income streams and peace of mind in your life. Maybe I haven’t been clear in the past, floating on my famous magic carpet. Maybe I haven’t defined it all in one meeting. Maybe I was moving too fast or you were moving too fast or we were just two ships crossing in the night. No matter that, I am clear now. 

During the next few posts I intend to drop some science to further this initiative. But in the meantime I want to start hearing now, I want to be affirmative with certain tools that will advance you even while you’re learning from me.

credit utilization

 In this diagram, detailed for you is how the world of banking and resources and finances sees you. This data that you provide to the world paints a picture of who you are, how you were disciplined, and how secure you are in your life. Sure, you might be mentally sound and spiritually intact, and you might also earn an income and want for nothing. But in terms of progress, and on the grand scale of things you might want to ask yourself are you doing the most that you can while you’re here on this earth. You might be asking yourself are you as resourceful as you could possibly be in your life, amongst your friends and family, in the whole equation we know as your existence.

I have met so many people who could care less and who think they know it all, who are smug and who have never been faced with a significant emotional event… A reality check that calls to question their financial well-being.  I can’t tell you the amount of people who I’ve asked questions of, like the entitled kids I'd Uber in Atlanta's wealthy neighborhoods. I'd ask: "how is your FICO score?" Or, “how is your business credit?

In some cases their parents hooked them up. Some folks, for one reason or another, are fortunate enough to get a check every month. In some cases they had a willy-nilly exclamation. And in other cases they just didn’t care. I even had a woman tell me, "I don't need credit... I'm not supposed to have it." I firmly believe that at some point in our lives we are called to the table and forced to face the music. It may be in your 20s when you fall in love, your 30s when you have children and want to own your own home, or in your 40s when you get divorced and suddenly become an "Empty Nester." Hell, if you screwed up for a series of decades and you are in your 50s or 60s there’s no better time than the present!

So while I compile my schedule of posts over the next two weeks, I want to begin with showing you how you are looked upon by the world of finance and credit. The diagram above says it all.

Now while there are services and professionals who can fix a lot of this pie and puzzle, such as payment history, age of credit, amount of inquiries, and your mix of credit, the one equally big chunk of it all (the biggest chunk) is based on your discipline and how you use the resources that you manage. Yes indeed you start out with access to resources! Whether it’s you being offered a credit card when you’re leaving high school and entering college or if you got some sort of gift and your parents cosign something for you early on. Or maybe you're like me and suddenly land a quarter-million dollar book deal for a series of your hot ideas. Whatever the case, everyone gets that first pass of "trust" where some institution or individual affords you a "leap of faith." We will trust you until you muck it up!

So look, 30% of your CREDIT profile is considered “utilization“. And without further ado, I want to increase your credibility and lower your utilization in one fell swoop by sharing this $10,000 resource with you. I implore you to grab this program for yourself and within a matter of months (even as you’re reading my posts and putting my information to work) you will see a change to your personal credit score. Your credibility will increase, and your utilization will lower. You will have no choice in the matter, especially if you follow my instructions.

Now: as for these links, they are for you to ESTABLISH CREDIT, not to buy all their products! You're gonna keep your spending below 10%, and you're going to eventually ask them for an increase. Again, these are not for spending, just for credit building. Pay the membership fee on My Jewler's Club and Hutton Chase, and your Fingerhut account is free to set up.

Click the link, sign up for this program and feel free to email me questions or post comments that you have about this process. We’re gonna move together step by step, but we’re going to start together right now. We’re going to build your 800-plus credit score beginning now. No more procrastination, your family’s Greatness begins right now.


ALSO: Because you asked to make money with me: first three to enroll are invited to our next dinner party including a very special celebrity guest, if we copy of my latest book, and a free consultation for your business, marketing and/or publishing initiatives.

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