Throughout American history, the legacy of slavery has been pervasive and destructive, and its effects still linger in society today. It is well-documented that several US Presidents, including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, and Andrew Jackson, were slave owners. The fact that these individuals are celebrated for their contributions to American society is a sobering reminder of the country's history with slavery. Despite owning slaves, some of these presidents are still memorialized through US currency, statues, and holidays. The national anthem, too, was written by Francis Scott Key, a slave owner who had racist views. The anthem is played at most major events in the country, which is nothing less than a lie, in its greatest form. It is time to ask ourselves why we are still accepting this and what needs to be done to correct the situation so that we can live a better life while there is still sand in our hourglass.

In America, the effects of slavery are still visible today, as entitlement and privilege still exist and make it hard for people of color to get the resources they need. This includes the unfair treatment of African American prisoners, who continue to serve decades-long or even life sentences for drug crimes such as cocaine, while their white counterparts were charged differently and were released. The $20 bill, which is still in circulation and bears the likeness of President Andrew Jackson, a known slaver, is a stark reminder of the violence and brutality of slavery. Statues of Confederate soldiers are all over the country, and they are a reminder of the horrible things those men did to black people.

Disenfranchisement and lack of access to resources are the modern-day equivalents of lynching, as they put a noose around the necks of marginalized people of color and make it difficult for them to live and thrive. While equitable correction is possible, it has not yet taken place. Recent "relief funding" went mainly to white Americans and businesses, which just keeps the cycle of systemic inequality going.

The impact of slavery in America is still felt today in the country's history of segregation, racism, and systemic inequalities, as well as the continued trauma and psychological harm inflicted upon African Americans. The fact that the national anthem, written by a slave owner, is still performed daily at major events in the country is evidence of this impact. African Americans have suffered a lot because of slavery, and it's time to recognize that and work toward making society more fair and just for people of all races.

And I know you all don't wanna read this, but here it is:

Here’s what our value looked like on the auction block: Slave Names included Sunday, age 45, price $800 Sary, age 43, price 500 Amaritta, age 21, price $100 Marian, age 19, Price $100 Bella, age 17, price $100 Hector, age 7, price $500 Affy age?, Price $300 “Infant” $50 Big Ben, age 55, price $200 Tenah, age 26, price $1000 Young Ben, age 23, $1200 some of these slaves were noted as field hands, competent drivers, carpenter, prime field hand…

As a Black man who has beaten the odds to earn access to resources and has done well in his entrepreneurial journey, I believe it is important to help others who are behind me. If we know that reparations are real and that acquiring business credit and grants is possible, then why not take some time to give effort to keeping everyone on the same page with factual data? We will not sweep this issue under the rug, no matter how hard people like Candace Owens fight against it. While I cannot fight for every other nationality, religion, or sexual preference, I can fight for the acknowledgment of the deep roots of slavery in America and its far-reaching consequences. It is time to take action to address the systemic inequalities that have resulted from this legacy of slavery, including reparations for those who have suffered and continue to suffer from its effects. It is only by acknowledging the truth and taking meaningful steps towards change that we can move forward as a more equitable and just society. - RELENTLESS




When it no longer feasible for slave-catchers to bring slaves to the US by ship, slave traders in the US, including slave-Masters engaged in "breeding."

Slave breeding, also known as "breeding slaves," refers to the practice of deliberately mating enslaved individuals in order to produce offspring who could be sold into slavery for profit. This practice was widespread in the United States during the early 1800s, particularly in the southern states where slavery was most prevalent.

Slave breeding was a brutal and dehumanizing practice that involved the deliberate manipulation of human bodies for profit. Enslaved women were often considered nothing more than reproductive machines, and their ability to bear children was exploited for economic gain. In fact, the breeders themselves, whether slave masters or slave owners also engaged with Black women slaves, for their on-demnd pleasure. We see much of this in films, and we shake our heads and try and brush it from our minds, but it was the reality in the days when slavery was goverened and permitted here in the US, and even in the years after slavery was abolished.

Enslaved men were also often subjected to breeding, either by being paired with specific women or by being used as stud animals.

Slave breeding had several goals, including expanding the slave labor force and increasing the profits of slave owners. Slave owners who engaged in breeding hoped to produce children who would be more valuable as slaves due to their physical strength, intelligence, or other desirable traits.

The practice of slave breeding was morally reprehensible and a clear violation of human rights. It perpetuated the dehumanization and exploitation of enslaved individuals and their families, and it contributed to the perpetuation of slavery as an institution.

After the Civil War and the abolition of slavery, slave breeding was outlawed and became a thing of the past. Today, the legacy of slavery and its impact on American society remains a deeply complex and controversial issue.


INTERESTING TO NOTE: John Adams (president from 1797-1801) owned just 2 slaves,

where the president before him had over 200, and those after him had hundreds upon hundreds.


Also America, you 've got a WICKED PAST!

in 1901, there were 105 blacks lynched

in 1902, there were 85 blacks lynched

in 1903 there were 84 blacks lynched

in 1904 there were 76 blacks lynched

in 1905 there were 57 blacks lynched

in 1906 there were 62 blacks lynched

in 1907 there were 58 blacks lynched

in 1908 there were 89 blacks lynched

in 1909 there were 69 blacks lynched

in 1910 there were 67 blacks lynched

But, these were just the most recent lynchings.

Fact is, btw 1877 & 1950 more than 4000 racial terrorized lynchings in america. That's more people than those who died in 911.

Meanwhile, black soldiers were used in this country's war, but were coming home to more racial injustice, more disrespect, and more... lynchings.


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