Dear Black Queen

Black Queen; open by Relentless

Black woman, hear my voice,

You are a queen, with a royal choice.

Your strength and beauty, unmatched and true,

You are the light, that shines so bright and blue.


From the depths of your soul,

Comes a power that makes the world whole.

You are the one who carries the weight,

And still you stand tall, without the hate.


You are the one who's been through the fire,

And you've grown stronger, with burning desire.

To rise above the ashes, and soar high,

You've touched the stars, and reach for the sky.


Black woman, you are the one,

Sent from the heavens, you shine like the sun.

With your head held high, and feet on the ground,

You will always be the one, who will be found.


With each step you take, and each breath you breathe,

You are showing the world, what it means to be free.

So let your light shine, and let your voice ring loud,

For you are the one, who makes the world proud.


Black woman, you are the one,

Sent from the heavens, to shine like the sun.

With your head held high, and your feet on the ground,

You will always be the one, who will be found.


You are the one, who will make the world see,

That you are a force to be reckoned with, and you will always be.

You are the one, who will change the world,

And make it a better place for all to unfurl.


So hear my voice, dear Black woman,

And know that you are loved, and not alone.

For you are the light that guides us all,

You are the one, who will help us all stand tall.

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