Identify Your Skillset, Create a Product or Service & Crush it with a TEAM!

  1. Alternatives To Success: identify your skill set, crush it with your own raw energy, get bank like hank
    1. Identify your skill set, your talent, your abilities and your value.

What’s Your alternative? Master your energy and develop your voice. It costs nothing but time and energy and you need to do some work in order to achieve your goals. Nothing comes for free.

2. Create a product that is all about you, your mind, your ideas, your visions, experiences, knowledge, inspiration, advice, imagination, even your physical strength.
What’s the alternative? Partner with a vet! Be an apprentice to someone who’s already done it. Someone who is crushin’ it. Someone who’s opening doors for you. Be of great value to the king of your particular industry. In other words: “ride the tiger”

3. Finally, finally, finally: build your fellowship. Your tribe, your family, your team, your online & offline allegiances. You can’t move faster and farther on your own. You must have help with your agenda.; there are only 24 hours in a day and to do so or to think you can do so is a pigment of your imagination and a futile effort. Sure, you may get away with it at first… Sure you will enjoy the liberty in the freedom of doing it on your own with no excuses and having to answer to nobody. But at some point you’re gonna need to trust somebody. At some point you’re going to need to pay for the skills that are necessary to fine-tune your machine. That could be an accountant, a business manager, a partner, or a personal assistant. If you don’t have any of this and you have a glimmer of success you’ve achieved, there’s going to be a moment when you question whether or not you are achieving the maximum potential that’s possible within this time and space in the 24 hours you’ve been blessed with?

So what is the alternative? Join a fellowship, a tribe, a family team… Show your value in that allegiance and achieve more! Look at how the ant world does it. Look at how basketball or football teams do it. Remember the pyramids? It took legions of workers on a mission… it took BELIEVERS! Find your believers or BE A BELIEVER! (Choose one!) and remember TEAM-together everyone achieves more!

Here’s a head-start to earn residual income;

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