Me Again…

My Current Status:

Just wanted to update you as to my current involvements and how I’m using my 24 hours.


 I consistently bring my resources to the table, in the most transparent way, so that I might assist others with my skill sets, assisting personalities, companies and initiatives with marketing agendas. My fellowships and connectivity from the Rockdale County community (and so many of you beyond these rural borders) are all somehow in our lives, whether though social media, our online magazine: The Rockdale Connector, our Internet Radio Broadcasts, our various websites and, of course, our live shows. Included below are a list of links that will further inform you about our impact and relevance. I know I’ve been posting and sharing and engaging a LOT over the years/giving so much of myself, and sometimes too much. Some of you may have muted me or you just skim through my social media updates. But you cannot deny that I am fully engaged, networking, building relationships and “walking the walk.”

We are about to make a big announcement in the coming weeks about a brand-new series that we started recording last week, and as you know on a local scale, I have begun the Rockdale Business initiative, a project that I expect will embrace every Rockdale business owner.

And while I detail my activities, I should use this opportunity to remind you that I work with interns, partners and contributors. I do not do this alone. Thank you to my friends Felesha Love, Maria Brown, Dr. Sinclair N. Grey iii, Roxann Thompson, Samantha, and of course my brother from another mother, Chico Chapman. Oh but I better NOT EVER forget my bank, banker and friend John who has afforded me incredible leverage in this lease-to-live world. And I’d be damned to forget my sister and brother on the West Coast, who helped me start this pony with an unexpected/unheard of investment before all the fame, the deals and accomplishment.
Another couple of people who do not need mention, but for whom I am extremely grateful: Mike Phillips & BernNadette Stanis
So that said, please know that running a multimedia company is no joke. Maintaining people’s websites, producing their videos and books, giving the most value to our businesses who advertise with us, and helping people build products, services and their brands is a moment by moment engagement. I’m always excited, always busy, but also forever humbled by folks constantly calling my number, emailing or inboxing me with their needs. I can now say we have clients all over the world.
Meanwhile, please know that I really have something affordable that makes sense for your business, your product, service or message, whether it’s your sons graduation from law school, a TV commercial for your chiropractic clinic, or if you’re campaigning for judge or for reelection to the State Senate. These are your initiatives that I assist with and drive to the winners circle. I have been there-and done that, and nothing makes me more prouder or makes me feel more grateful than to help you build, grow and succeed, and then to wake up the next day and do it all again. Not only that, I have a long list of references; satisfied clients who call on me again and again. I know my stuff, in many ways I’m unmatched. Still, I maintain a knowledge base that is ever growing and ever expanding, and I am very clear about my contribution to the universe. I am touching many lives and I think God for the opportunity.
If there’s more that you’d like to discuss please feel free to contact me and I can break it down even more about how our various media properties can SPECIFICALLY benefit your purpose.
Please take a look at some or all of the links below:
For over 7 years now I’ve developed a broad following here in Conyers/Rockdale, with allegiances in politics, entertainment, business, ministries the military groups and the community-overall. If you’d like to see for yourself, you can visit any of the links below, or see the buzz clips. Also below.
My Proposal to you is to include your brand and advertisements in all of our media. However, if you are not from Rockdale County I can also help you to create and sustain similar media properties, whether it’s a magazine, podcast or video. Naturally, video takes a special talent to achieve. However there are fellow videographers around the country that I connect with and send work to. Ultimately I vet them and sometimes oversee the work so that it accomplishes the same outcome as if I were there in person. I also have a few global properties to help push your business forward. is one. And we are announcing a new series within the coming weeks/also global content.
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Yes indeed, we are doing the most; the most we can with the resources we have for the biggest impact and the greatest value.
That means your advertising in the Rockdale Connector as well as on our websites, in our broadcasts and promoted prominently on the video clips that result from our live shows. By default, my engagements in Rockdale County activities brings me very close to community agendas. Homeless shelters, military veterans and elders, Health centers and other grass roots goals all fall into my lap by default.
We broadcast the shows through live streaming to YouTube and/or Spreaker, and the link is shared in social media on Facebook, Instagram, Pintrest, Foursquare, LinkedIn, Google-Plus, Twitter and others. Our combined following and who we’re reaching on the various social networks amounts to over 50,000 in our region. But while we’re facilitated here in Rockdale, where we want to see diversity and progress and peace amongst all our neighbors. If entertainment reaches you, we handle that. If logic and conscious thought inspires you, we handle that as well. We are not yet connected to any large ministries (something I’ve always wanted) however, we have worked with many preachers and their initiatives to build their congregations. We are not yet connected in gardening and (quiet as it’s kept) any cooking shows. But we would love to engage!
In any event just know we are fully equipped to be your “media & promotions team,” with Publishing, content creation, broadcasting and live productions that will surely help to support your marketing initiatives..
If you have or haven’t already been to shows that we produce, here are a few links to show you more of what we do:

There is so much more to “show” you as it relates to our history, but I’m glad we’re connected and I’m ready to work your brand into our media.
 (Serious & ever-passionate about my work) 
Presence and interactions on 20 different social media platforms. Below are links to our platforms in social media, where we share links to our magazine and our Internet radio podcasts:
Facebook (personal)
Rockdale Connector Magazine:
Best Food In Conyers (new site/still building)
Relentless University
Personal Website/Relentless
East Atlanta Multimedia Company site
Jazz & Wine (Radio Podcast)

Rhythm & Soul (Radio Podcast)
Contact me at *404-477-8257*
I Am Relentless: Author, Publisher & Visionary;
Visit our corporate website at
Official Relentless Aaron™ Website:
We publish the Rockdale Connector! Have a look!
See the latest activities on youtube:
Facebook Page:
And remember:
A Man’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original
dimensions. Oliver Wendell Holmes: US author & physician (1809 – 1894)
Relentless on ABC WORLD NEWS The New York Times Article: The Journal News
Article: The Daily News Article: The TIME Magazine Article: NPR Radio
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