Do It With Love

My daily podcasts have begun. I’m taking this all the way. Encourage me by commenting, sharing, etc. If what I share helps, inspires or fuels you, don’t be a stranger. Let me know.


We Sure Get Creative (or Desperate) When We’re Hungry

I know those days well, as they aren’t far in the past. I din know where my next meal was coming from. Yes, I had 2 pennies to rub together, bot ONLY 2, and I could feel them in my pocket while driving to Starbucks, gas tank on E, knowing that I was not only gonna make payroll (thats me and me alone, and the $300 in monthly expenses I was maintaining between phone bill, LA Fitness and Internet charges for websites I was servicing), determined to make something out of my nothing. Determined to overcome this negative thought process about my finances/blaming everyone I could think of, and also, still leveraging everything, going all-in on my life’s purpose.

And there goes that word purpose again, that bit about how we’re here to achieve a certain thing, that thing the world will know us for. “Find your purpose, master your craft, follow your dreams.” We hear that all the time. Meanwhile, my other brain is yelling “Fuck that hype.” My other brain is all about blame,  and he said this, and he said that.” And, damn if this din happen, I would be hurt in this or that way…” The excuses go on and on. And that brain is also all about taking wayward chances, and (oh yeah),

imma’ fuck without planting seeds, exhaust my fumes, and go back to business as usual, no strings. It’s a hard-knock life, bitch!

Yep. Voices, characters and images all fighting, breakdancing and playing God inside my head. But even as I can easily find my creative license and excuses why, how come and coulda-shoulda-woulda, it made way more sense and it was way more productive (in hindsight) to think and wonder “how, where, when?” and to imagine the benefits of those questions. Thats my truth (and yours too) to ask and answer questions, and to come up with conclusions, decisions and choices. The state of where you are now has so much to do with the seeds you planted 1 and 5 and 20 years ago. It comes down to deciding you’re here for the journey and not the sprint. It comes down to knowing the story of the bamboo tree and how it takes 5 years to sprout and how it requires watering everyday.

The journey is being all-in on your strengths, on the relationships that make sense and which you’ve discovered value, on the disciplines that have proven wise and effective in your life, on your daily grind & agendas, and furthermore, your journey is about what works, where you’re most resourceful in your own life and in the lives of others. The journey will impose sanctions and play judge and jury, and you will realize reality-checks & balances when you fuck up in your quest towards your life’s purpose; in other words, when you fall off. Your journey will also bless you time and again, every waking day, once you open your eyes to see the fruits of your labors, your decisions and investments in time, energy and people.

True that: this race has seen many sprinters, but long distance running goes to the Kenyans, since they practice endurance and they embrace their rich culture and are indeed “all-in” on the investments of time, patience and energy they give to their calling; even if its by default. Giving up the pussy on the first date: SPRINTER. Circling or cutting around the 10 cars in front of you to cut the line, because you have no patience: SPRINTER.  Fast food ALL the time: SPRINTER.

So are you gonna go for the Instagram Coochie or  are you gonna get in deep with a face-to-face; spending that “real time” with someone you can give and receive with? Someone you can realize commonalities in and with whom you can engage because you are “like-minded?” Are you gonna make the decision in time and energy that will feed you and much as you do the feeding? Life is all about that give and take. That flow. And it’s real comfortable on this side where that reality flows constantly, when you can be focused in your efforts and those 24 hours we’re blessed with.

If you’re hungry and starved, it may have a lot to do with the decisions you made a year ago, whether it was about a person, a job, or even a night out partying. YES! One night partying can CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

In the end, I can’t save y’all but I can show you my blueprint.

And if you don’t know it already, you’ll know it now:

Family, when it comes down to life and getting what you want and feeling happy and fulfilled, I want to remind you that YOU NEED A BLUEPRINT! Thats a PLAN, GOALS, and AGENDA and ultimately a VISION. Having that and focusing on that will always having you living life on purpose, never feeling left out. If anything, OTHERS are left out of YOUR unique life’s experience!

And PLEASE DON’T FEEL THAT YOU’RE MISSING OUT ON ANYTHING when you see others progressing. Just feel inspired and thoroughly entertained by the success of others. Because (Uhh Monique? Daaaahling) you ain’t gonna be happy being bitter. All you’re gonna do is attract all the other miserable, desperate & hungry energies of the world. And at that point, you got just ONE asset left. So (shrugs) go ahead and take it off! INSTAGRAM IS WAITING!



Sidenote: so many actresses have fought and fucked to get up in the ranks of hollywood. Congrats to the actresses who have overcome.

Congrats Tiffany Haddish. No matter who won the 2018 Oscar award, it feels like you already won one yourself!

Latest Livestream – Author, Entrepreneur, Relentless Aaron

Beautiful Day in Atlanta

Posted by Relentless Aaron on Thursday, March 8, 2018

Music Break!

I do so much content creation, be it written, film or podcasts… (Lord, that reminds me; I really need to get back on the mic and do it routinely! Anyhow, I just thought I’d use this post to share some of my favorite songs. They’re rare and seldom heard, but their favs. But not only am I posting songs; I have been tuning into a few different video clips. So I will sprinkle them here as well. Thanks for caring about my interests. Feel free to share, comment & like. Peace


Zoe/Nina, This Election, Diaspora Negroes and the White Man who hated on me. #IllSayItForYou

Posted by Aida Rodriguez on Saturday, March 5, 2016


My Response To the Hugely Successful Black Panther Movie

Black Panther

Posted by Relentless Aaron on Sunday, March 4, 2018

Some related clips I found interesting

This part I din know about; the Black Panther Cartoon series on BET, produced byReginald Hudlin


Freddy Cole, Jazz Music’s Eagle

Freddy Cole’s voice is a vintage excellence that massages your thoughts and soothes your imagination.

He sends you reminiscing, as if he’s singing straight to your core. I quickly think of wine when it’s jazz a dominant voice and excellent accompaniment. However, something is so authentic about this talent; his voice stacked with that history, that familiar DNA. Yes, that rich vibrato sinks into your senses, even while he gingerly tickles the piano keys. Yes, here he is, one of the last/if not THE last powerhouse to come from the talented Cole family. Nope, no wine tonight. This isn’t the blues I’m feeling. I’m already dizzy with delight as Freddy’s voice fills the snug, lux living room. Absolutely, my dive into this evening is beyond the overused concept of wine and jazz. Man, I’m feelin all kinds of hot chocolate tonight, how Freddy’s voice is warming my sole… how his careful use of his every breath seamlessly flows with his carefree storytelling inside of each song. Tonight is that perfectly warmed coco. It’s that lather you’d never sacrifice and, and that… well, yeah. That part.

Freddy Cole, brother of Nat “King” Cole, leaves funeral services for Natalie Cole at West Angeles Church of God in Christ in the Crenshaw district of Los Angeles, Monday, Jan. 11, 2016. The R&B singer Natalie Cole died on New Year’s eve at age 65. (AP Photo/Nick Ut)

And yet, when older folk arrive at this place, space and time, I’m generally thinking “no filter.” Where’s all the cussin and bittersweet breakup redemption tales? Nope! In Freddy Cole’s case, his presence is authenticity that cannot be fabricated or revoked or duplicated. This man with all of his experiences, his knowledge base and fellowships affords him an eagle’s majestic flight. It’s a perspective on life, over and above all the world and it’s waywardness. If this music is what drives this elder, keeping him thriving and loved and present and “attractive” enough to draw these sold-out rooms, then God is here. God is watching. And through the voice and fellowship of Freddy Cole, God’s got a grip on this moment. Indeed, everything is a-okay. But as Freddy thanks his intimate standing room only, Alpharetta-based Velvet Note crowd, he reminds us that we should take him home with us, because “everyone… every home needs to have a Freddy Cole in it.”


More pics on my Facebook page


Making My Award-Winning Chicken Fried Rice

If you're looking for a different/creative/to-the-point way to make Chicken Fried Rice, you'll wanna watch the following video. Nope, you don't need to live in the Cascade Rd area amongst doctors & lawyers, and no, you don't hafta be a Falcons or Hawks or Braves fan all cramming to get into these new Mercedes and Suntrust Park stadiums. Nope! This is for you average folk, with above average potential (people like me) who just wanna make a good, healthy plate of delicious chicken friend rice. By the way, I am a RESOURCER! So, I don't mind teaching you personally, or doing meal prep for you and your family or company for any of my food which includes salmon, shrimp and ground turkey dishes. I don't do pork, red meat, and I'm heavy on chicken, turkey, and all fish meals.

Enjoy the video and please feel free to share, comment or email me for any other exclusive catering, meal prep, particularly in Fulton County, Cascade, or downtown Atlanta.

Confession: yes, the world knows me as "Relentless," an acclaimed award-winning author in the field of urban lit. But 2 things you should know; 1) you shouldn't pigeon-hole or try to box me in, because I'm way more than you think. I produce some amazing photography, films and websites. I own a brand called "Superpreneur" that is part of my my Relentless University  brand. And 2) I am not merely a chef, an entrepreneur OR an author; what I am is RESOURCEFUL with the time, energy & possibilities that God has granted me during my days in this body. So, please open your mind and know that I am no one-trick-pony. Instead, I'm a talented, hard-working man who has a great attitude and who is wanting the same and more for those whom I touch & influence.

ABC – Always Be Creative


So what are you creating?

Are you creating a healthier lifestyle? Are you creating additional revenue streams? Are you creating greater relationships? Are you creating a more for filling life? ABC means always be closing for those of us in sales. But for all intents and purposes, today ABC stands for Always Be Creative!

Ever since I can remember I have been creative, and we are now into 53 years of the same. With very little guidance and eventually the leadership that I sought out on my own, I have created a unique skill set that substantiates what I call my life’s “happy spot.”

I don’t necessarily have all the answers, but I am focused and  yet connected to or in contact with people who do have all of the answers in different ways and means. What that means is that mentors are essential to that so-called happy spot I’m speaking of. Mentors in health, in finance, in tech, in nutrition, in education, in leadership and in my overall lifetime agenda. Yes we are engaged in priorities that are engaging our every day attention, but most importantly we must always consider focusing on our passion. Our passion calls into affect our creativity. Creativity is The recipe for freedom, expression, and thorough transformational perspective. After all, with every sort of creativity we can see an artists perspective. With creativity we can see your leaders perspective. We can understand a teacher‘s perspective. We can even see a painters perspective. We can taste the cook’s perspective. We can hear singers perspective. We can even feel an actors perspective, especially when they “go deep.”

When times get tough, you always have that option to be creative. And you may find yourself in a new reality.Maybe at a time that you’re experiencing challenges, you decide to help someone else and in doing so you get such an enormous feeling of gratitude and that amazing feeling helps to change your mental state. So, worst case scenario if you can’t accomplish your ABC’s at the moment, at least go for D, that is “go deep.”




Most Amazing Revelation… SYSTEMS! AUTOMATION!! RESIDUALS!!!

cardib relentless+aaron, author, entrepreneur, superpreneur atlanta, relentless eats, uber eats

I spend INCREDIBLE amounts of time listening to podcasts relating to my fields of interest. All of the smart, industrious guys are the ones who are crushin it on iTunes and turning their voices into content, and their content into profits. Most of them, however, do not address the crowd that follows me. And while I do have many entrepreneurs who rock with me, there are way more readers, way more aspiring entrepreneurs, and so many others who just don't chime in. They're busy listening to the same old messaging, experiencing the same old thrills, talking about the same old stuff. In the barbershops and beauty salons, they are not talking about goal achievement and purpose. They're discussing Cardi B and Beyonce. They're not discussing Goggle analytics and wordsearches, they are discussing football stats and reality shows. This is the sad state of things in my hood, and in hoods across the world. And as much as we want success and how much we look up to those who are successful, you'd think our practices might change. You'd think we'd be talking about more relevant subjects. Not relevant in terms of "whats hot and trending" but whats relevant to the health and well-being of our bodies, minds and finances.. If only we changed our practices and spoke of SYSTEMS, AUTOMATION & RESIDUALS so that many of us could progress.

We were once singing "Whats it all about, Alfie?" But now that we have  those answers, the next reasonable execution is, "What are we doing about it, Relentless?" And... That is all. Relentless 

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The Other Side of Yesterday…

You only live once, so why not give this the most effort ever? Why not play to win?

So here we are, on the other side of yesterday. Something new is supposed to happen; but what? Something evolutionary is supposed to take place, or something is over, the end. Each year we experience this “thing” where we make overtures such as “out with the old, in with the new” or we make vows and resolution as and claims, and as we get older and reality sets in a little more, the intentions grow or die off. The momentum languishes or there’s a spike. The vision is clear or cloudy. But here’s the greater truth: all of these are choices. Your decision to rise or fall, to grin or frown, to imagine or forget is exactly what you will experience. The practice of this exercise and the routine of putting it to work for change and progress and energy is all in your hands. I started today, deciding to wake up by 5am; no excuses. I’d achieve more, have time to read, eat breakfast, meditate and plan. So what are you determined to see as a routine?


Here’s How You Can Support The Relentless Brand…

And WHY NOT? You know the books are entertaining, the video streams are informative and/or inspirational... you've expressed how we bring value to your life is one way or another. So stop merely TALKING about all this GOOD WORK, and be SUPPORTIVE. A t-shirt, a coffee mug, some books etc

Purchase Our Ebooks, Coffee Mugs,, T-shirts...


Begin with this hot novel; Extra Marital Affairs.

This novel is one of our best selling Erotic Thrillers, the 34th Relentless Aaron novel... Take a look at what others are saying about the novel:



Some Streams You May Have Missed…

What I’m watching

Posted by Relentless Aaron on Friday, December 1, 2017

Your Brand, Initiatives, products & services… all of it deserves to be produced by an award-winning content-creator…

Posted by Relentless Aaron on Monday, November 13, 2017

One Degree

Posted by Relentless Aaron on Tuesday, December 5, 2017


Posted by Relentless Aaron on Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Doin it and doin it well for all these years! Thank you for feeding my dream!

Posted by Relentless Aaron on Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Uh oh!!!!!

Posted by Relentless Aaron on Friday, December 8, 2017

Bad Weather, WHAT!

Posted by Relentless Aaron on Friday, December 8, 2017

Posted by Relentless Aaron on Friday, December 8, 2017

What Are You Up To, Relentless?

You bet your ass I'm pursuing greatness and sowing into my passions; my passions for writing, for raising awareness, and for Superpreneurship

You only live once, so why not give this the most effort ever? Why not play to win?

But while thats my current engagement, I find myself leading a group of driven personalities of every type. Including myself, we all got issues, we all got skeletons, and we all got some measure of smoke & mirrors goin on. That said, we all still strive for authenticity. The clarity above all else is always this: we must do the most productive thing within the 24hours we're given. We must be as resourceful as possible with our time & talents. And equally as important, we must stay healthy and informed as we grow and mature and remain relevant. This is life as we know it. This is our "now." This is the nuts & bolts of our "why."

During this journey, smile, improve and don't bullshit me.


BITCOIN IS UP! IT’S GONE FROM $13 to $12,000

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