Most Amazing Revelation… SYSTEMS! AUTOMATION!! RESIDUALS!!!

cardib relentless+aaron, author, entrepreneur, superpreneur atlanta, relentless eats, uber eats

I spend INCREDIBLE amounts of time listening to podcasts relating to my fields of interest. All of the smart, industrious guys are the ones who are crushin it on iTunes and turning their voices into content, and their content into profits. Most of them, however, do not address the crowd that follows me. And while I do have many entrepreneurs who rock with me, there are way more readers, way more aspiring entrepreneurs, and so many others who just don't chime in. They're busy listening to the same old messaging, experiencing the same old thrills, talking about the same old stuff. In the barbershops and beauty salons, they are not talking about goal achievement and purpose. They're discussing Cardi B and Beyonce. They're not discussing Goggle analytics and wordsearches, they are discussing football stats and reality shows. This is the sad state of things in my hood, and in hoods across the world. And as much as we want success and how much we look up to those who are successful, you'd think our practices might change. You'd think we'd be talking about more relevant subjects. Not relevant in terms of "whats hot and trending" but whats relevant to the health and well-being of our bodies, minds and finances.. If only we changed our practices and spoke of SYSTEMS, AUTOMATION & RESIDUALS so that many of us could progress.

We were once singing "Whats it all about, Alfie?" But now that we have  those answers, the next reasonable execution is, "What are we doing about it, Relentless?" And... That is all. Relentless 

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