Knowing John “Doc” Fuller

JOHN "DOC" FULLER MIGHT AT FIRST THROW YOU WITH HIS "PERFECT SPEECH" AND HIS AUTHORITATIVE DEMEANOR. After all, he did have the nickname "Doc."? But in prison, (where I networked with Doc and spent quality time getting to know him, getting to co-habitate with him, and of course the 2 of us maintaining our survival skills), it is said that a man can be "whoever he wants," meaning that many of us were dreamers in prison, elaborating on our true life experiences, no way to qualify or confirm what we say. The only thing in fact that we do as prisoners, is we absorb the real-time human nature that was our reality. Human nature speaks to the gestures and mannerisms and practices of those around you. Human nature speaks to your expressions, your interests, and reactions to certain events such as arguments & fights, overtures in large crowds or in response to some tv sports... even in response to invocations of authority/another inmate being cuffed and taken (or dragged) away to the "hole," that prison within a prison... and of course, there was always how we dealt with coped with and endured the loss of liberty. Well, its clear to folks (now) how I spent my prison hours. Picture me with a pile of ink pens and a stack of lined paper, and determination to fill those pages with whatever spilled from my mind... picture my legs shaking during these moments and going thru the jitters as if in withdrawal as I poured out and birthed ideas that people would someday read and react to. Well, rewind to how we were such dreamers and you can pretty much tell what Doc and I were doing with our time; perhaps planning, maybe imagining, and often drawing up blueprints that might (or probably) become reality. And our now-reality; me the award-wining author with the connects to cut the checks, and doc, the go-to guy for just about every and anybody who enters the prison system... constantly relevant, now an author himself, and our bond just as strong/if not stronger since we both not only walked the walk, but survived to tell it and make a living from it. This is a moment you can only call PRIDE and BLESSED and CONFIRMED. Congrats to my brother from the inside John Doc Fuller... lets all keep up the good work that the quote BOLDLY PAINTED at the exit of Baltimore City Jail "NEVER AGAIN" didn't quite explain.
Thanks Doc for the shout out in your book... not simply a dedication but a damned page! Wow. Bro you keeps it realer than the ones who we EXPECT to keep it real by default! Blessed to know you fam.

Below are screenshots from Doc's Book:


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