Our Monstrous Reality

Sometimes it feels as if the rest of the world is surreal, and that my own world is the only real thing I’m in control of. Oh sure, I can control everyone and everything else by simply hitting a switch, shutting down notifications or even pulling the plug. If I wanna get jazzy about it I can still be entertained by the digital world; click on the Pandora or my jailbroken firestick and there’s my partial great escape. But to shut it down all together is the greatest escape. Go out and mow the lawn or play with the flowers... pick up the weights or head down to my makeshift gym in the basement... 

But even with that Godlike skill of shutting everybody out, somewhere in the back of my mind...

in the deepest part of my soul there is pain and misery and dysfunction that I’ve disassociated myself from. Yes this disconnect is about survival but it’s also about sanity. Do I care? Hell yeah I care! But I also know that it’s a longshot for me to be able to fix any of it. Its an even longer shot to imagine or to realize the alternative/others perhaps living in my vortex. Living the way I live. It’s unreasonable to think that you are going to believe in and follow my blueprint. There’s no way you’re going to eat the way I do, breathe the way I do, sleep the way I do, work the way I do and ultimately arrive here, now, 54 years later... in this happy space, and still inspired despite all. For sure the infrastructure of the world is the most pressing priority. Neck and neck with that reality, there is the human dilemma of how we commune, cohabitate and interact. We do this directly and distinctively, and we do it indirectly with mechanical devices, machines and with our technology. We're turned into cowards in this way, disinterested in facing the music in person. No accountability. When I think about it all, how it all spins in some freakish turbine, with such viral calculation, both perfect and imperfect, i’m reminded that all of this mess is executed on yet another monstrous reality. I sometimes think we all forget how we all still coexist on this spinning rock that at any given instant can shift and self-destruct. Yes we are all spinning, and we are all spinning on something else that is spinning. No matter how you slice it, whether you choose to acknowledge it or not, whether you claim a part of it or not, the mysteries, the joys, the perils, the marvels, the miracles, the pandemonium... The births and the deaths... all of it will go on regardless of how you feel, and regardless of whether you interact or engage. So in the end there is still your choice to care for your own sanity and well-being.

Yes, you are expected to contribute. But no, you are not expected to contribute to a fault. March forth my loves, my children, my friends and fans; move with great energy and stealth awareness. Be driven to achieve more and to experience increase. Never allow yourself to surrender to laziness and loss. Believe in your mind and be determined that you can cope and deal and master this thing we call life.

God bless you.

Relentless Aaron

My Song of The Morning

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